Ah Human discourse, absolution be thy name. From the epic scale of Philosophy and religion to the tech dabbling of Phone brands, and games, we exaggerate to satisfy our lust for competition, or perhaps to satisfy our passions, and our prejudi (prejudices). All of us fall prey to the claws of this bias. But those caught in the mouth of the beast are by far the most spectacular to observe. Watching the obssesives play out their stubborn loyalties, is like observing acrobatics, a grand display of mental gymnastics, wherein we flinch at all the unnatural and unholy ways the human mind bends and distorts itself to fit in it's box, yet we cannot look away.
I cannot help but think of Apple fanbois. or Republicans. Or Anglicans.
I imagine finding one who is all three. I will avoid that person.
Whilst I did iterate this universal, this reality of bias, I think the fact is largely overstated, and more often used to condemn us all, like a killswitch, or a kamikaze by those who would say 'if I can't have credibility, no one can!' than as a way of humbling conversation. It's like that old use idiotsyncrasy 'well no one's perfect,' as if that were a legitimate excuse for not being perfect. It doesn't work. Well it shouldn't. People will listen to anything nowadays, but people need to remember that some people are more right than others, and we shouldn't hesitate in acknowledging that. There aren't always good reasons on boths sides of the debate. People will never be 100% right, but that doesn't mean there are plenty who are 100% wrong.
that's the problem with these internets. It's not that the proportion of stupid people is higher, it's just that they are a lot more accesible now, and they get a lot of attention because they are so amusing, thank you Jersey Shore.
it's not that people aren't smart, it's just that they are a whole let less smart than they think they are.
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