Monday, July 19, 2010


I immersed myself into the day with a feeling of slight discomfort and insecurity, It was not enough to divert the overall atmosphere of my routine, but still caused some greivance nonetheless. I think it is a consequence of having psychology majors as housemates. It seems the study of the human mind mostly increases the appreciation of how suseptable it is, of how little control we truly harness over our own existense, our own decisions. And I think that saddens me. Perhaps it's because I believe in the power of decisions more than I realise. The reality of how deterministic our lives are I think makes me feel helpless. Inadequate, and ultimately pointless. Maybe there's the rub. I am just a story being told.
But I will keep trying. I must keep trying.It's my destiny. HA! see what i did therE?
But I take comfort in the few things: that life is beautiful, regardless of how I handle it. I want it to last forever.

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