Saturday, November 21, 2009

me lashing out angrily and irrationally :D

this is semi-old but amused me to re-read:

I find the natural aversion to what people call "children's films" frustrating and annoying. So many-a-times these films dwarf their adult counter-parts in all aspects except nudity and gore, and yet are largely ignored for their accessilibilty. I encountered an oaf who couldn't comprehend how C
oraline was enjoyable. Words failed me.
Apparently flawless animation, incredible art design and cinematography, excellent musical sequences, clever characters and an intriguing and suspenseful plot count for nothing nowadays. They simply don't measure up to a glimpse at some boobs, fast cars, and some explosions.
And that's the most depressing thing. It's the reason Paris hilton is a celebrity, it's the reason 5 gum is a huge success, it's why Fast & furious topped the Box office in it's opening week. It's because people are petty and pathetic. These things appeal to the most basic of desires and senses, and the masses in their one-step minds lap it up, refusing to look past the "that makes me look cool" mentality of a superficial society. How ironic, that the "children's films" of our society can't be understood by our adults.
Now I enjoy mindless violence, explosions, and more recently awesome robots that become cars as much as the next person, but for goodness sake don't try and dress it up as if it means something. Let us enjoy it for what it is, and not pretend that it serves any other type of purpose to the movie.

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