Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hopefully more than a continual Facebook status....

Quite ironically I was late for work today, after reaching the station 10 minutes before my train was due. Whilst amusing in itself, the company I work for makes the experience all the more rich.

I've decided that a "daily" blog is a new necessity for me. As the job-grinding eats my brain, I feel an easy outlet to feed through my creativity, frustration and lust for controversy would be therapeutic. Also it will allow me a medium in which I can feel more comfortable about revealing my ever-changing thoughts and perceptions with less fear of outright reprimands, and with a vague hope that rather it would create more productive and interesting dialogue.

And sometimes I just need to outright vent, and feel like someone is listening.

I'm kind of doing a vague imitation of Penny-arcade's format, as I admire there ability to keep it short and to the point whilst maintaining thorough articulations on their subject matter, however the content should vary considerably as my gaming obsession sort of begins and ends here, with little deviation. Hopefully I can imitate there directness.

Last night I engaged in a heartening conversation with my father and fiance regarding the nature of Bible College, and things akin to it. I have noticed a pattern that the victims of these institutions seem to go through. It begins with an immediate exciting romantic period of shiny newness, followed by a painful realization of how much everyone actually hates each other, and then, hopefully, a slow stubborn difficult decision is made to choose to love and forgive the people who your stuck with irregardless of the amount of loathing that you've managed to justify amassing for them. In my experience of Year 13, I got to see it come full circle, and that was a beautiful thing, however, witnessing people stumble after phase two makes me question as to whether the entire ordeal is worth it. I have a few friends coming to terms of what their commitment really entails, and my heart goes out to them.

It also brought into question what are we really learning at these places, compared to what are we meant to be learning? The amount I learnt from the lessons paled in comparison to what I learnt from the volatile community. And I guarantee the things I learnt were far from what the directors had in mind.

Warcraft Servers are down tonight, leaving me to find productive ways to fill my time. It sucks.

Peace out,


Warning: Naughty words said toward end

The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently
- Nietzsche

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