Wednesday, October 26, 2011

People are more informed....

...but they are also more opinionated. Disproportionately so.

Knowledge is an extremely powerful weapon, but unfortunately some people don't know how to wield it, or what to do with it. So instead of tapping the nail in gently, with just the right amount of force so it properly props up the portrait, they put a fucking hole in the wall.

Knowledge is a good thing. A great thing. But without handling techniques, Bayesian thinking, rationality, it's awfully dangerous.

Knowing how to drive a plane isn't a bad a thing. For the pilot of an Airline carrier, that knowledge is a great thing for him to have. Not the case for a fanatical Islamist.

Knowledge isn't enough. It's why clever people can still be dangerous morons. Like Tony Abbott. I hate that guy.

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